The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has declared that the information towards the Certificate/ Diploma Course (PQC) started through the Digital Accounting & Assurance Board.
Institute has declared that the information systems audit (ISA) is the Diploma course.
Upon the successful finishing of the course, the member is said to use the letters “DISA (ICAI)” below his or her name so as to mention that the person has finished his post qualification course upon the information systems audit course declared through the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
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“It is clarified for information of the members that Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection (FAFD) is a Certificate Course. On successful completion of this course, a member is awarded a certificate to this effect.
However, a certificate course does not grant any qualification, and therefore it should not be mentioned by the members as qualification along with their name,” the ICAI stated.