The Gen CA Portal offers Theme 94, a modern black-and-white design that can be customized to fit your CA accounting services needs. There are two headers furnished under this theme on the upper header you can add email, contact us details, and links to social media related to the company. On the lower header, you can add the described below-mentioned tabs-
After that, a banner is been given under this theme where you can add some details along with some pictures of the company. After that, an about us section is been provided by this theme where you can add the company features and other pertinent information. Then you have the themes provided service section where you can add service details of the firm. Thereafter you have the news feed section of the company where you can add updated information like due date reminders, blogs, and news.
At the bottom of the page, the theme provides the space where you can add the company information in the About Us section, company address, contact information, important links of the company, media, etc.
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