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Know More About CA Portal

In the modern phase of professionalism, Chartered Accountants and Company Secretaries need to be updated with the outcome for the betterment of their business. Albeit, they are skilled enough in their field with an exceptional ability to solve the Accounting and Finance related objectives in a full-fledged manner.

With the promise of best and efficient, SAG Infotech which is leading tax solution provider in the field of taxation running from nearly 2 decades has maintained its credibility through its products, is ready to offer CA Portal, “A complete Business Solution for CA and CS professionals.” keeping its objective firm, the Portal offers all the GST relevant updated rules, circulars, and notification uninterruptedly and assists your knowledge base.It is a comprehensible platform for you to exhibit affiliate services and blog posts. The portal maintains a record of a firm and simultaneously notify your clients about your doings, achievements and all the updates you do with the portal. The company also offers superb and all-round Gen GST software for its clients to file and comply the business with the goods and service tax regime. Another product in the portfolio is Gen Genius which is a complete solution for the tax management of a company. Next is Gen Payroll which is a package for the human resource management to maintain the employee's database and payroll functionalities in order to optimize the overall productivity of an organization through manpower.


CA Portal facilitates you to choose a theme among the available hundreds of custom themes for CA website. With the customization option, you are free to beef up the accessibility and flexibility of the theme accordingly. This smart move necessitates in building a superior relationship with your clients. The CA portal also accommodates you in generating email account with your own domain. The templates are being for all the platforms i.e. Lawyers, CA and CS.

It renders some default tools as a gateway for the financial and accounting calculations. Due date reminder feature will always ready to inform about every due date on the website and also provide the latest news to keep professionals updated. The CA website is a prominent move of SAG Infotech in co-operating with our customers to furnish good services and support.



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Why Choose CA Portal

The Gen CA Portal is the premier option for website templates customized for Lawyers, CA accounting, and CS Tax professionals. These templates feature specialized designs, emphasizing authority-building and the capacity to highlight your services, providing a comprehensive solution for your website requirements. Below are key advantages that position our templates as the top choice for your online necessities.


All CA Themes are Based On ICAI Guidelines

All CA themes will be according to the ICAI Guidelines for CA Website noting down all the relevant notification and design format including Acts & rules important for regulating chartered accountant professionals as per the norms. Also, the CA templates will be professionally suitable for the input of all the required framework necessary for the CA professionals to follow.


300+ Satisfied Clients

No doubt, CA portal has acquired 300+ happy and satisfied clients through its hard work and dedication for providing the best of the services. The number of satisfied clients is getting increasing day by day and will surely provide us with the motivation to carry on.


Cost- Effective Prices

Affordability is an important factor for everyone and we also support this aspect by giving our clients more than what we charge for every website. In addition, we service them through our dedicated professionals without asking for any further prices.


Deliver Website in Just 5 Working Days

Timely delivery of website is on our main priority and we wish to fulfil that each and every time. Our developers are focused on providing the required website to the clients within 5 days or as soon as possible.

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