The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) President, CA Nihar Jambusaria has declared in his statement that there are nearly 40,000 students opted out from enrolled 3.7 lakh candidates who have been chosen because of the covid-19 cause. There are nearly 3.3 lakh students who had planned to sit in the exam.
He stated that the final and midterm exam for July edition is over and the ordinary course exams are urged to be completed this week (July 24-31).
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The President informs the Central Council that ICAI is “well prepared (for adopting the Covid protocol) to conduct trials,” even some of the activities seeking the supreme court. He stated that he furnished. He points out that the SC permitted the CA institute to proceed as planned besides giving the candidate an opt-out option.
The examinees who get influenced by the lockdown at the time of the exam were provided with the option for opt-out and ICAI declared that July 2021 shall not recognize an attempt for the candidates. These examinees were permitted to sit for the subsequent exam which shall go to conduct in November 2021 for both the old and the new syllabus candidates. This is useful for the candidates as some states were under compliance with lockdown which is to be prolonged in the examination session.
Post to the case the students were subjected to practice the option opt-out if they individually or as a family member (existing on the same space) has became contaminated with Covid-19.
Conversation with the SC directive ICAI has permitted the students to opt-out if there is a last-minute amendment in the test centre in any city or if the test centre is situated in the containment zone. The opt-out facility was open even if the CA test can not be implemented in any test centre or city as per the limitation executed through the central government or state government or local government.