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CA Atul Gupta: ICAI Developing Skill Grid for CA Students

ICAI developing Skill Grid for CA Students

ICAI president, CA Atul Kumar Gupta recently confirmed to develop a skill grid for students who go through their articles training. He further stated that it is vital to note that Accountancy is a dynamic subject and thus the subject needs timely modifications in the education and curriculum. Articleship – a three-year module that is organized by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for CA students to attain the top-notch expertise that cannot be achieved by any theoretical education. 

The articleship training is introduced with the aim of providing complete practical knowledge and real-time applicability of the concepts that they have learned in the books during their CA span. The skill grid is being developed by the institute for articleship students to judge the inculcation of the relevant knowledge and skill set.

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CA is a crucial profession and many companies are solely dependent on their CAs for their financial and legal balance and therefore the qualification process needs to bring out the best few from a whole slot of the aspirants. The market environment, new jurisdiction design and latest ways of doing the business has raised the need for the institute to re-skill the students in par with the current scenario so that they are completely prepared and potent to become the new generation CA professionals.   

ICAI president, Ca Atul Kumar Gupta also stated that the growth of the profession lies where every member has the requisite expertise along with masters in a few domains. We need to develop an ecosystem where training is inclusive of every aspect related to the profession and that the students are not only the masters in aptitude but they also possess the right attitude that will enhance the quality and respect of the profession.

For now, we are working on the system that will assess the skills on a regular basis with appropriate interventions. The mechanism will not only judge the knowledge of the students but their capability to apply those in real-time proceedings and also the all-round development of the students as a CA professional. Members should encourage the students to maintain an electronic record of practical training to match with the skill grid”.

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