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Campus Placement Programme By ICAI Offers Opportunity for Unselected

placement programme by ICAI

Second Round of Campus Placement Programme, organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ( ICAI ) is going to take place in 16 different cities to provide job opportunities to the Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants (NQCAs) who remain unselected in the main Campus Placement Programme which held in Sep-Oct’19.

Second Round Campus Placement Programme is an additional opportunity over the current campus placement programmes which takes place twice a year. This is an exclusively designed platform undertaken by CMI&B which aims to offer employment opportunities to the Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants who failed to get a job during the main Campus Placement Programme.

Second Round Campus Placement Programme is a time-restricted opportunity for the unselected candidates of the first round of campus placement programme, the registration form which will start on 5th November 2019 and will end on 7th November 2019.

Eligibility to enter in the second round of placement programme is a disqualification in the first or the main round of placement programmes. This implies that only those NQCAs can participate in the second round who could not get a job in the first round and those who have already been selected during the main Campus Placement Programme i.e. on 19th September 2019 by any centre and signed the declaration are ineligible to apply for the second round.

Read Also: ICAI: Applicants Invited to Give Feedback on Nov 2019 CA Exams Question Papers

After confirming the eligibility, if the candidate wishes to apply for the second round of placement programme then he/she needs to update information present on the final page of his/her login.

Sixteen cities where the second round of placement programme will take place are Amritsar, Chinchwad, Dehradun, Delhi, Ghaziabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu & Kashmir, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mangalore, Meerut, Mumbai, Pimpri, Raipur, Thrissur and Vadodara.

The database will be made available for the companies on 11th November 2019 from which the candidates will be shortlisted by 14th November 2019. After this, the candidates will have to end their consent and the due date for it is 15th November 2019.

The date for online psychometric and written test is 18th November 2019 and that for the interview is 19th and 21st November 2019. Placement programme will start at 10 AM and will end at 6 PM.

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