As per the latest update, Candidates have to upload 12th Marksheet for confirmation of Foundation Registration. The Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) on Thursday announced it.
Non-receipt of Original Mark Sheet from CBSE, State Board, or Affiliated Board is also possible, and ICAI also provided 2 options to all the candidates who are provisionally registered to Foundation Course.
Read Also : ICAI Accepts Examination Process Revision by Parents Association
These two options are In case of non-receipt of the Original Mark Sheet, the student can download the XIIth Result report (mark sheet) from the official website of CBSE or state board and then either duly attested it from the Principal of your School or duly attest it from a Chartered Accountant who also needs to be a member of ICAI.
If you choose the first option make sure your mark sheet after being attested has Principal and School name, the signature of the Principal, and Stamp of the School on it. In case of second option, your mark sheet after attested will have CA’s name, signature, Membership number, and stamp on the mark sheet.
Read more official Announcement : Click here