Institute of Chartered Accountants of India(ICAI) announces to empanel administrators to observe the CA examinations November 2020.
The November 2020 CA Examinations namely Foundation, Intermediate (IPC), Intermediate and Final exams (Old and New scheme, PQC) from 1st November to 18th November 2020, except 13th & 14th November 2020 has been scheduled by the institute.
An eligibility standard has been set by the Institute for the members to indulge in observing activities.
on the date of empanelment; i.e. 20th August 2020 the officials said the applicant’s age should not be more than 65 years. The applicant’s name has to be registered as a member on 1st May 2018.
“Neither he/she nor his/her relatives or dependant is / will be appearing in the ensuing Chartered Accountants Examinations for students / Post – Qualification Course Examinations in November 2020 in any examination centres in India or Abroad. However, applying or appearance in ISA – AT will not be considered a disability for observership for November 2020 Examinations,”
he/she should not be a member of the coaching for exams scheduled by the council for the Institute of the organization which includes Regional councils or branches of the institute.
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One has not been convicted beyond the court of law and there should not be any disciplinary proceedings due against the person, over the ICAI / Disciplinary Directorate in India or overseas.
he/she should not have related to the institute as an elected /co-opted member of administration Regional Council / Managing Committee of any Section of the ICAI.
he/she should remain by the Rules and regulations as an observer or any directions.
“Honorarium of ` 1500/- per day / per session and 350/- as conveyance reimbursement for ‘A’ class cities and ` 250/- for other cities per day (to cover the cost of local travel) besides reimbursement of postal, stationery, telephone expenses, if any, will be paid,”
The members posting as an observer will be allocated the duties in their professional address on the basis of institutes records. If in case any officer is unable to perform the projects then the particular project will be provided to the Examination Department well in advance so that another adaptation can be done.
The windows for the empanelment will be opened from 20 August 2020.
The windows for the empanelment will be Closing on 10 September 2020.
The allocation of projects has to be done on 20 October 2020.
Check out the complete details of the announcements and related queries on the panel members and formation here in the given PDF. ANNOUNCEMENT NOVEMBER EXAMINATIONS 2020