Just a few days ago Institute of Company Secretary of India (ICSI) allowed Carry Forward of Fees of June to December Session and now it comes up with a circular and through which It stretched the provision and provided relaxation in eligibility criteria to make e-MSOP accessible to all eligible students and to submit first and second quarter reports by September 30, 2020.
As stated in circular “This is in continuation of our earlier circular no. ICSUTrg/e-MSOP/2020 dated 31.03.2020 and ICSI/Trg/QR/2020 dated 17.04.2020 wherein the students were provided relaxation by easing the eligibility in the provision of e-MSOP and also in the submission of first quarterly reports up to 30 June 2020,”.
Read Also : ICSI Allows Carry Forward Fees of June to December Session
The Institute provided big relaxation in the eligibility criteria for admission in e-MSOP. It temporarily removed the two-year time barrier early required between professional pass and e-MSOP registration. The institute removed it due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ICSI made this decision so all professional pass students, despite their passing year can avail the MSOP subject facility to fulfill the other conditions mentioned in the guidelines. This will promote students to apply for membership in regions and chapters without waiting for classroom basis MSOP.
The Circular further added that “The Institute has also provided relaxation in submitting the first and second quarterly report of the trainees in the Institute records. Now the last date of submission of the first quarterly report (January – March 2020) and second quarterly report ( April-June 2020) is hereby extended up to 30 September 2020”.