Finally, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ( ICAI ) brings up the dates for the examinations of Chartered Accountants Foundation Course {Under New Scheme}, Intermediate (IPC) {Under Old Scheme}, Intermediate {Under New Scheme} and Final {Under Old & New Scheme}.
A new schedule for CA intermediate and Final exams and PCQ exams has been declared by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) post to the postponement of the examinations of 5/07/2021 after acknowledging various requests from the candidates and parents citing the hardships of sitting in the exams as per the ongoing situation in the country.
“Important Announcement- Revised Schedule of ICAI Intermediate(IPC & New), Final(Old & New) and PQC Exams – MAY 2021. The Exams will be held from 5th July 2021 to 20th July 2021,” ICAI’s tweeted.
“Further, In case of composite papers having both MCQs based & Descriptive Question Papers, the seal of MCQs based Question Paper shall be opened at 2 PM (IST), in other words, there will be no prior reading time for MCQs based Question Papers The Candidates are further advised to note the above and stay in touch with the website of the Institute, www.icai.org,” ICAI stated that in the press release on the official website. The institute has specified that the exam form does not need the office seal of the CA in the pandemic. “The only signature in Exam Form is sufficient along with his Membership Number,” written by the institute in email.
Revised Schedule of Chartered Accountant Examinations, May 2021
“In continuation to Announcement dated 26.5.2021, students may note the revised schedule of Chartered Accountant Examinations to be held from 5th July 2021 to 20th July, 2021from 2 PM to 5 PM (IST) as per details given below“
Intermediate (IPC) Course Examination –Under Old Scheme
Group-I: | 6th, 8th, 10th& 12th July 2021 |
Group-II: | 14th, 16th& 18th July 2021 |
Intermediate Course Examination –under New Scheme
Group-I: | 6th, 8th, 10th& 12th July 2021 |
Group-II: | 14th, 16th, 18th& 20th July 2021 |
Final Course Examination -under Old Scheme
Group-I: | 5th, 7th, 9th& 11th July 2021 |
Group-II: | 13th, 15th, 17th& 19th July 2021 |
Final Course Examination -under New Scheme
Group-I: | 5th, 7th, 9th& 11th July 2021 |
Group-II: | 13th, 15th, 17th& 19th July 2021 |
Insurance and Risk Management (IRM) Technical Examination
Modules I to IV | 5th, 7th, 9th & 11th July 2021 |
International Taxation –assessment Test ((INTT –AT)
5th & 7th July 2021
“It may be emphasized that there would be no change in the examination schedule in the event of any day of the examination schedule being declared a Public Holiday by the Central Government or any State Government / Local Holiday. Candidates may note that Elective Paper-6of Final Examination (under New Scheme) is of 4 hours. However, all other examinations are of 3 hours duration, and the examination wise timing(s) are given below:”

“All papers of Post Qualification Course Examinations there will not be any advance reading time, whereas, in all other papers/exams mentioned above, an advance reading time of 15 minutes will be given from 1.45 PM (IST) to 2 PM (IST). Further, In case of composite papers having both MCQs based & Descriptive Question Papers, the seal of MCQs based Question Paper shall be opened at 2 PM (IST), in other words, there will be no prior reading time for MCQs based Question Papers”
Read more official announcement by ICAI website : Click here