The Institute of Company Secretary of India (ICSI) has recently issued an advisory asking students and members to refrain from protesting for the Postponement / Cancellation of CS Exams.
Due to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Institute had earlier decided to postpone the June 2020 session of Foundation examination (previously scheduled from June 1 to June 10 this year) to start from July 6, 2020.
But now as the COVID-19 situation only seems to be getting worse, students and some institute members have started protesting to further postpone the examination. “It is noticed by the Institute that few members and students of the Institute are posting and circulating videos and messages on the social media platforms (YouTube, What’s App, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) asking thereby for cancellation/postponement of aforesaid Examinations scheduled to held from 6 July 2020.

The contents, comments, and remarks in these videos and messages are with an intention to demotivate the sincere students divert their attention from studies and to further instigate and provoke the members, students, teachers and the parents of the students against the Institute and seems like an attempt to malign the image of the Institute,” the advisory said.
It further added that the ICSI is taking all the precautions and following the guidelines of the government of India and will take necessary actions as and if required for the continued safety of the interests of the Institute, its students and stakeholders.
Read Also : ICSI relaxes Pre-Examination Test and One Day Orientation Programme
In the meantime, the institute and its officials are doing everything in their power to help its students and members through various means, including offering support through professional development webinars. The ICSI is also helping students prepare for the upcoming examinations through various online sources including online classes.
In light of the above efforts and the Institute’s commitment to keep protecting the interests of the members, users on social media are advised to refrain from posting/sharing videos and messages requesting to postponement/ cancellation of CS exams, says the Advisory.