Here we are providing answers to all the question candidates came across before starting their preparation for CA Final Exam. To provide the best possible help and guidance we talk to some of the experts and candidates who had cracked this exam, and after combining all their answers and providing the same here.
When to start CA Final classes?
Usually, for a newly joined article, it will; take around 6 months to get used to the environment and after 6 months you will understand that you have to balance work and your personal life, and there you will also understand how to balance classes and other things. After 6 months it will be better to start one class like SFM / AMA, this class is going to be held in the morning and as being a junior in the audit firm and learning time you will be not allowed to leave the office early in the evening time
However, if the morning time is not suitable for you then you can join the video class, joining the morning session is suggested because everyone gets tired in the evening after the working hours and all the buzz in mind. Starting a class for one subject is a good way to understanding how to manage time. We will suggest you avoid DT / IDT / Law / Auditing in the beginning.
How many classes should I take in the beginning, during, and at the end of articleship?
Nowadays classes start only twice a year which will be for 4 month period, and in alternate days in two batches and in between them there will be a gap of 2 months and during which classes for other subjects such as IDT / Auditing / Law will be organized
Thus one class will be completed before the first year’s end. We will suggest you take only one class at the beginning of the second year. Furthermore, you can take two classes on alternate days. In this way, you will complete 4 subjects before the end of second year. IDT / Auditing / Law classes can be complete it easily if you use resources and time wisely. Before the end of the next half-year means before 2.5 yrs, you can complete all 8 subjects.

When to start the revision of classes completed?
Revision takes 15-30 minutes thus your revision can be started from the day you had started the first class. So by managing time wisely you can keep doing your revision and you can utilize spare hours on Sunday for the complete revision of the entire week’s classes. For one subject you will take almost 4 months to complete the revision two times in this way. However, it will affect your Sunday life because you have to forgive a few things for the betterment of the future.
Can we learn anything from office work which is helpful for CA Final exams?
As an article of the medium-size firm, you will explore more about fields such as GST compliances and audits, Company law compliances, Income tax compliances and audits, Audits, Customs compliances like SEIS, MEIS, etc, All your work and exploration will help you in your preparation.
You will understand why, what, and how you are doing and you will also learn many things such as GST filling and various laws. These all will help you in your preparation and also provide you practical experience of all the work.
When one should has to take CA Final preparation leave?
It depends from firm to firm but getting a leave of 5 months before the exam will be really great.
Normally people get proper information before joining as article. Thus if you know that you are not going to get the 5 months of leave for the preparation then you just have to start your preparation earlier, earlier means early days of articles.