The CS Executive Entrance Test, CSEET 2020 for the November session has been rescheduled by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). On November 21, 2020, the CSEET 2020 will be conducted by ICSI according to the revised schedule. Though earlier the exam was scheduled to conduct on November 28, 2020. The application window for the CSEET 2020 entrance exam begins on October 27.
The ICSI has scheduled the CSEET Exam 2020 which is to be held on August 29, 2020. The CS Executive Entrance Test will be administered via remote proctored mode due to Covid-19. The above-postponed exam discussed was to be scheduled and conducted on 27 July.
Read Also : Council of the ICSI Decisions From 30th July 2020 Meeting
All qualified candidates can appear for the test through a laptop or desktop from home as per the official notification released by ICSI. But the candidate will not be allowed to bring mobiles, smartwatches, tablets, etc.
ICSI CS 2020: Revised Exam Pattern
- There exist some changes in the paper pattern of ICSI CS CSEET.
- The viva voice part would not hold applicability for the first CSEET.
- A total of 50 marks will be carried for paper 4.
- current affairs, presentation, and communication skills will be the questions for paper 4.
- There will be the same structure as informed for the computer-based MCQ portions for the online test of CSEET.

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has rescheduled the CS Executive Entrance Test, CSEET 2020 for the November session.
On November 21, 2020, the ICSI conducts the CSEET 2020 on November 21, 2020, as per the revised schedule.
Read More Official Announcements: Click here