A lot of students are complaining that the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has not issued the answer sheets of examinations of Chartered Accountants in November 2019. A Right to Information (RTI) application is also filed by some students, but the ICAI seems to be having problems in releasing the answer sheets. It is mandatory for the institute to release the answer sheets within thirty days from the date of date of result but the ICAI has not issued them even after so many days after the application was filed. The article shares everything that the students should know about filing RTI and other related things.
#1 Why are the answer sheets still not released even after 30 days?
Under RTI Act, 2005, it is mandatory to reply to the RTI filed within 30 days by the organisation with which it is filed but the ICAI has not issued the answer sheets even after the 30 days limit. The ICAI has asked the students to wait for some days and then drop the mail to Copy (archive files) in and out (of an archive) (CPIO) with RTI no. and follow-up.
Details of CPIOs for providing Certified Copies under the RTI.
Name | Post | Department | Contact | |
Shri Alok Malhotra | Deputy Secretary (For Final & PQCC) | ICAI Bhawan, A-29, Sector-62, Noida – 201 309 | 0120- 3894808 | alok.malhotra@icai.in |
Shri S. Babu Ragghavan | Accounts Officer (Gr. D.S.) (For IPCC/ Foundation/ CPT) | ICAI Bhawan, C-1, Sector-1, Noida | 0120- 3054840 | babu.raghvan@i@icai.in |
#2. How to check RTI status?
You will receive the updates via text message and email but if you still want to check the status then you can do that through RTI portal.
#3. Website on which the sheet will be published.
The answer sheet will be published by ICAI on the official website of ICAI http://cc.icaiexam.icai.org/account/login.asp
#4. Download the copies asap
The copies are available for download for a limited period of 15 days, generally. Download them at your earliest convenience before they are expired.
#5. Suo-moto Verification
Suo-moto will be verified by ICAI under regulation 39 (4) of CA Regulations, 1988.
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#6. Is verification required even after RTI?
No, there is no need to pay INR 100 for the papers if you have filed an RTI.
#7. Will the scores be decreased if I applied for RTI?
A report dated 14th February, 2020 stated that the ICAI will not reduce the scores gained by a student in the process of verification under RTI, but if the scores are increased then he/she will be intimidated by a mail and new report cards will be sent through post. Download the report from www.icai.org/post.html?post_id=16314.
#8. What to do in case of disparities in copies under RTI?
If any errors are found by the students like totalling errors, carry forward of marks etc. then revaluation is not permitted. You can report the disparities in writing only if they are in Regulation 39 (4), under the form resource.cdn.icai.org/32134exam22221.pdf
#9. Can I request for the copies after the date has expired?
Yes, you can apply for the copies within 30 days from the expiry date, you will have to pay INR 550 per subject and INR 100 per verification.
The copies can be held by ICAI for a maximum number of 120 days. You can apply for RTI if ICAI does not upload the copies within 30 days of the result date.