Coronavirus pandemic has created a lot of hassles across the world. Most of the economies are crashing and almost all the population is now desperate for their basic living.
All the events and scheduled dates are cancelled and the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is also one of them.

The examinations of the Company Secretary June 2020 session are postponed by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).
The decision was taken by the institute due to the situations which are developing because of the outbreak of coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown.
Read Also : Pre-Exam Test & One Day Orientation Programme Relaxation Extended: ICSI
All the examinations under the CS syllabus viz. Foundation, Executive and Professional Programme and Post Membership qualification (PME) are postponed.
The exams will now be conducted from 6th July 2020 which were previously scheduled to be held between 1st June 2020 and 10th June 2020. The revised schedule will be provided by the institute subsequently.
We have also attached pdf of notifications as per icsi.edu. Click here