Chartered Accountancy is no doubt a wise career choice but making a wise choice is not enough to achieve the goal. Achieving a goal asks for a lot more like consistent practice, setting and abiding by proper schedules, mock tests to judge your preparation and above all you have no room for mistakes if you don’t want to crack chartered accountant in a first go.
To achieve your goals in a very first go, catalogued below are some mistakes you should avoid:
#1. Not Sticking to Your Plan –
Organizing your preparation for clearing a big level exam is the must. One will reach nowhere with last time preparation and hassle. One must strategize to cover the entire syllabus on time and still have sufficient room in the schedule for solving question papers and revision. Adhering to the plan is a must else making plans is also a waste of time.
#2. Not Understanding the Topic –
Simply mugging up the topic without actually understanding the concept is hazardous to your preparation and also to your career in the long run. Students often mug up content when they have a lack of time so it is related to our first point. No topic should be skipped thinking it is easy.
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#3. Not Leaving Room for Revision –
Studying a topic thoroughly is an initial step but this is not proper preparation. Preparation involves revision, solving question papers, mock tests and so on. Revising the content is also necessary to find out if something has missed out. Mock tests are necessary to acknowledge your progress and question papers give you an idea of the format of your upcoming exam paper.
#4. Postponing Your Study Sessions –
Time management is something one can’t afford to ignore if they are preparing for a high-level professional examination. This is not a normal degree or certification course. CA is something you need time and dedication for. One must know since the beginning how well they can utilize their time for study sessions and revisions. Postponing study or revision sessions or leaving them for the last-minute miracle is mere stupidity.